SPH 4U- Physics

Lise Meitner

By Tamara W

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1. Otto Hahn and Lise Meitner in their lab

Highlights of Lise Meitner's Career:

1878 ~ 7th of November, Lise Meitner was born. She was the daughter of the attorney Philipp Meitner and his Mrs. Hedwig (geb. Skowran) in Vienna. Although both parents originate from Jewish families, they let their children baptize Protestant.
1901-1906 ~ Study of mathematics, physics and philosophy in Vienna.
1909 ~ Meitner and cock discover together the radioactive recoil with sending of alpha rays. It speaks its discovery before the physical society.

1913 ~ Meitner is taken up as a scientific member in Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut for chemistry.
1915 ~ During the First World War she is Roentgen sister in a front military hospital.
1918 ~ Together with cock she discovers the element No. 91 (protactinium).
1925 ~ Meitner proves that the gamma radiation is always sent after the emission by alpha and beta-ray emission by the daughter core.
1926 ~ Meitner becomes extraordinary Professor in Berlin.
1934 ~ Meitner, cock and Fritz Strassmann (1902-1980) begin with their research to Tran uranium element.
1939 ~ Meitner and its nephew petrol Robert freshness (1904-1979) supply the first theoretical interpretation of the nuclear fission.
1955 ~ Meitner receives the petrol cock price.
1959 ~ It is distinguished with the Order of Merit.
1966 ~ Meitner, cock and Strassmann receive the Enrico Fermi price of the Atomic Energy Commision of the USA.
1968 ~27th of October: Lise Meitner dies in Cambridge.

Here is a timeline of
Meitner's Jobs/Positions over her life time:
1907-12 Unpaid researcher, Chemical Institute, Berlin
1912-15 Assisent to Max Planck (first paid position), University of Berlin
1912-13 Unpaid "guest", Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute fur Chemie (KWI), Berlin-Dahlem
1913-18 Mitglied, KWI, Berlin-Dahlem
1918-38 Head, Radiophysics Department, KWI, Berlin-Dahlem
1921 Visiting Professor, University of Lund, Sweden
1922 Dozentur, University of Berlin
1926 Nichtbeamteter Ausserordentlicher Professor, University of Berlin
1938-47 Nobel Institute for Experimental Physics, Sweden (Meitner was paid a "very modest stipend" from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, but was not given an official title.) [96 RLS].
1946 Visiting Professor, Catholic University of America, Washington D.C.
1947-60 Research Professor, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden

 Websites Referenced:
1. Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner, and Fritz Strassmann. Chemical Heritage Foundation. December 18, 2005. <http://www.chemheritage.org/classroom/chemach/atomic/hahn-meitner.html>.
2. Lise Meitner. December 18, 2005. <http://www.engr.psu.edu/wep/EngCompSp98/Klementik/Meitner.html>

 Updated: Sunday, December 18, 2005