OPERA Private Property Issues and Landowner Concerns - an informative web site summarizing local landowner costs and consequences of municipal Official Plans based on provincial policies that, without compensation, inhibit use, title, mortgage worth and market value of privately owned land. – commentary on Maurice Strong, Oak Lake, Manitoba native, billionaire environmentalist, United Nations top executive, world governance advocate, closet socialist, Prime Minister Paul Martin confidant and family friend click Publications & Links / Applied Conservation - claims landowners generally agree to be “stewards” (unpaid janitors?) of their own land by government decree. code=49 chronicles a partnership between urban-based special interest groups to aggressively marginalize (devalue?) private property they don’t own and won’t buy. click “Convention on Biological Diversity” forinternational treaty, signed by Canada in 1992 without public or parliamentary debate, to control global land use on environmental grounds. documentation to obtain latest information/location of so-called “rare” species on request, presumably a useful tool for some groups to later identify certain properties as “wildlife habitat” MNR partnered with The Nature Conservancy & Federation of Ontario Naturalists (private lobby groups) to designate/control all Ontario land, private & public alike. calls attention to bad science that makes the news, alarms the public and encourages special interest groups to demand immediate government action that often impacts private landowners. excerpts from a new book by Ron Arnold, well-known author of “Trashing the Economy”, that explains how & where environmental (anti-private landowner?) activists get their money. provincial Endangered Species Act that outlines regulations designed to protect designated species (except landowners), thus affecting allowable use and market value of private property. mandate and membership of an environmental coalition that combines provincial government sub-agencies and professional lobby groups without private landowner participation. profile of Non-Government Organizations (NGO) dedicated to environmental preservation and conservation through acquisition and economic sterilization of land (mostly rural). 

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