Renee, this poor cat brought me to tears this morning reading your blog. I am so very glad however that you have her and no other shelter does. For them, the decision would have been quick – the easy way out. But you are predictable Renee. I KNEW you were going to try your best to save this little soul. Whatever happens through your loving care, please be prepared if it does not go as planned. These injuries are severe (as I have seen similar) and it is really up to her at this point whether she still has the fight in her. I know you will help her and encourage her during this journey - as you are an angle to all those that come through those doors. Keep up the great work Renee. You are a tough and wonderful human being! Joy

Renee you made the right decision once again. Any animal that has the will to live through what she has, has the right to get well. I have seen an animal just like this one and I was able to give it a second chance at life and OH WHAT A LIFE IT HAS NOW!! Keep going girl Norma P.