Animal Shelter under fire

I have been a volunteer of the Owen Sound Animal Shelter for nearly nine years. I have also been an employee, and know the happenings of shelter operations.

Being around long enough, I can share the details which have not been yet addressed I know should be.

I have met Sandi and Candice on many occasions. I have heard from your mouths how you "loved to be at the shelter" how it "was the best place to be”

and how you admired Renee and Todd. I know that both of you learned everything you know from them, and hoped to continue to work in rescue as these two had inspired you. I know that Renee has emails from both of you, in which you state the same, if proof is needed?

It is obvious to me, and likely those that have known both of you, that you had the highest of praises for these people, for years. Obviously there was not torture, nor pain, nor any wrong doings there, and you should be aware, that we see the proof is in the allegation you have made from the moment you said how long you were there.

Karen, I know you have never been an employee of the Owen Sound Animal Shelter. Before you start asking for anything, I would like to see you produce a pay stub. You can be proven a liar with one simple request. I also know you are the manager of keppel creek animal shelter. This easily proven on the website where you name is listed.

Your intentions are selfish, and horrible. If you would be so cruel to the people who make a difference, I can only imagine how it is to be an animal in your care.

The words written by Dr. Boyd, and Dr. Lang were very discouraging. I have heard Renee and Todd refer people to both of you on the phone, and I have heard them offer nothing but admiration for the jobs each of you do. I know that they have used your services, and call often to trace tattoos, or seeking health information. It seems the only ones not communicating may infact be you. How unprofessional you ever involved yourselves in this.

The veterinarian who is at the shelter, clearly more professional than you both, as she did what she is obligated to do and refuse to get involved in the drama.

She knows her job is to save lives, help the animals and knows that Renee and Todd are doing their part in helping.  I am certain also, that if any of these accusations were true, she would not be there.

As for the SPCA, I have only one question for you. “Jennifer, Why was it not mentioned that you personally refer hundreds of animals to the Robins?”

I have stood there while people tell them that. I am sure they could prove it. In lieu of you discussing an "investigation", perhaps you should have mentioned "which was dropped, and we send all cats to the Robins.

As for the coffee and lunch money, which I might add is pretty low. I have seen them reach for the till to make change. I have also seen them reach from their pockets to put money in the till. I know that the till is a business account, and I know that they have bought all of you coffee and lunch. For this you should be thanking them, and not criticizing them.  We now have all seen their contract as it was plastered all over the paper, and we know how little they are making.

There are few people in the world who dedicate their lives to a cause so entirely as the Robins. They have lived in that building now for years. They have given up so much to help, and it is a shame anyone would ever try to stop them. I am shaking my head in shame. I would readers to put your minds at ease and visit the shelter. Come with a bag of cat food! These are the people who make a difference in our world, and it’s a shame that anyone would try to harm them. I pray the Robins are holding their heads high in this difficult time, and I pray the others are holding their heads in shame.

Disappointed in the human race today.
Owen Sound

I was terribly saddened to read your blog today. I do not get the Sun Times -- it is a rag and has always been a rag IMO -- so I cannot read their article. However, I do not need to read it. I know that you guys do the most awesome job of any Animal Shelter I have ever dealt with and I have dealt with several over the years. We have adopted both cats and rabbits from you over the 20 years we have lived in Owen Sound, we have seen your facility, and we know that you care more about those animals than you care about yourselves. God bless you always for the amazing work you do. I am so glad that you did not resign. Those animals NEED you and we, the people of Owen Sound NEED you. No one else is going to run a "no kill" shelter. No one else is going to do the kind of advocacy work for the animals in your care that you do! This is not a job for you guys, this is a vocation. You actually LOVE the animals, each and every one of them. I am so angry at this person, this former employee of yours, who has lied to the press, and I am equally angry at the press who refused to print your side of the story. BTW, IMO, there is a special place in hell reserved for anyone who would butcher a suffering animal the way that moron "euthanized" the raccoon. Even I, who know nothing about euthanizing animals, would have put the poor creature inside my car and gassed it!! Not the best way, no doubt, but a whole lot more painless than running over it and then beating it to death with a tyre iron -- and this creep actually works with animals??? I have noticed that a lot of people in this region are not that sensitive when it comes to animals and their suffering. That is also why you are such a blessing because you have educated people to be more loving and caring and humane in their treatment of the animals in their care. You can use this letter in any way you want to support your cause. We are behind you 100% and if we can help you in any way, please let us know. Sincerely, JoAnn and David R.

We believe that Renee and Todd deserve a medal for all that they have done and don't believe any of these allegations are true. We were at the mutt strutt this past summer and out of the hundreds of prizes there Renee did not help herself to even one. You deserve the world for what you have given to so many animals. Sending happy thoughts your way. Carolyn, Allan, Buttons and Lucy (who is thankful to you for allowing her to live) Gloria D.

Dear Renee/Todd: Please continue to be strong. I have not read the article in the Sun Times nor will I read it. It does seem quite a coincidence that the attack on the shelter follows on the heels of the Toronto SPCA incident. I have heard the comments and I cant believe people's ignorance. They have no idea what you (and others) go thru for the sake of the animals. There are those of us who understand and support you wholeheartedly. Continue your good work. thank you kerry h.

Article by Denis Langlois, Animal shelter under fire, dated Dec 3, 2009

I am disappointed in the allegations that Denis Langlois has pushed as front page news on December 3, 2009. I am also disappointed that the Sun Times has on the payroll, an editor that would allow these allegations with no proof to be printed on the front page, let alone on any page of the Sun Times. I am disappointed that Denis Langlois wrote about the investigations through the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. As he pointed out these things were looked at and the shelter cleared through them - so what was the point? All shelters must be checked by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs - which he failed to mention. What this amounts to is sensational or tabloid writing as anyone can see from the article and all these allegations continue to be just that - ALLEGATIONS. A newspaper is to provide proof of what is going on and what has happened. I see no proof. But I see a reporter who wants his name in the paper, not for doing good work, but for doing his journalism in a sad way and to the detriment of the Robins!

This reporter continues to not understand that: 

The Robins are By-Law Officers and Animal Control Officers for the City of Owen Sound. I think people take too lightly the authority these two have for the City. They have complete control of the animals as stated under DOLA, The Pound Act, and The Research ActIf you read these Acts you will know why Todd and Renee choose to be a no-kill facility ...

Get your head out of the sand and do your research Denis Langlois!

If these allegations were true, why did these women not step forward sooner and have an investigation conducted then through the proper channels. I reason that they were too young to understand the ins-and-outs of a Shelter – call it naivety and youth. All this article amounts to is disgruntled employee and a plot by people with nothing better to do than scheme, ploy and continue to besmirch the good name of the Robins. The reporter also took the liberty to speak to only SPECIFIC persons who would sell this article to good people who do not understand what is going on. My name, Elaine Watson, is all over the web site and yet he never phoned or emailed me for an interview.

Denis Langlois wants his name in the paper following hot on the heels of the THS problems that are now plaguing Toronto. I see Denis Langlois as a schemer and backstabber who in fact gave his own dog up to the Owen Sound Animal Shelter. What this article is really about is a journalist not doing his research into any of the operations of any shelters, rescues, no-kill facilities, nor does he know the inner workings of the City of Owen Sound, shelters, rescues, or the LAW.

As stated in this article you see the cold way in which the vets speak about how the Robins are doing things – fact is that the Robins are trying to help the citizens of Owen Sound and the animals within the City – this seems to me to show that the Robins have only the best intentions for the animals and make them their #1 priority - case in point the Rabies Clinic - this would be money that the vets from Owen Sound would not be seeing in their pockets. I know first-hand how expensive the vet 'charges' and expenses can be and how much money I spend yearly at my vet. I never saw the vets of Owen Sound stepping up to the plate to help curb the problem of over-population among the dogs and cats of the City of Owen Sound. I applaud the Robins for creating the spay/neuter facility for the animals that arrive there and this cost is included in the adoption of the pet and not added on top of the amount for adopting, as most rescues and other shelters do!

I hope the Robins will be bringing criminal proceedings against Candice Ford, Sandi Scobie, Karen Jarvis and Laurie Summers, Kateri Tait and Davyn Myles, the Sun Times and Denis Langlois. This amounts to defamation of character and this spread of gossip and rumour, encapsulated by the article in the Sun Times, will result in lower adoptions, no donations to keep the spay/neuter clinic open and smearing the good name of the Owen Sound Animal Shelter, and the Robins! This is tantamount to character assignation – not just for Todd and Renee, but their family as well! This article in and of itself, amounts to slander and will ensure loss of revenue brought about by the disgruntled ex-employee, volunteers and an ex-friend named above. As well as Laurie Summers who is a lady who is responsible for the River Cats not being brought in out of the cold from the City of Owen Sound. 

I continue to be phoned by the Subscription Section of the Owen Sound Sun Times to renew my subscription to the paper and I know that this will never be the case again – EVER! I know where my copy of this paper is going – straight to the kitty litter where it belongs because it is trash! 

Elaine Watson
6 year volunteer
And adopter of 3 animals

What a horrific way to start your day today !! Hope you can add defamation of Character to the slander charges that I trust are pending. I have found myself all day wondering why? I recall meeting both Sandi and Candice at the shelter in the past. I tried to recall the idealistic attitude I had when a new Grad from Nursing school... the idealistic way to be a nurse. Sadly in the REAL world ... there would never be enough hands.. enough hours.. enough ?? It is sad to have to comfort yourself at the end of your day with "I did my best.". and know in your heart that your best is not good enough. The attack these former staff have waged against you is so very counter productive to the greater good of animals in general. This entire thing is just so very VERY sad. I cannot even begin to rationalize the motives that would drive them to such inflammatory accusations. I can only say I am sincerely sorry for the grief that has been imposed upon you in this last while. I read your blog EVERY day. The monster that is portrayed by these persons is not the soul that writes to my heart every day. What they allege is not the person that patiently listened and counseled me when I was struggling with what was the "right" thing to do when dealing with my geriatric black lab. Every day I struggled with assessing his quality of life... with the weight of the decision that would be mine to end his suffering if he was ? Was it time? How would I know? You told me he would tell me .... and you were right. The "cold heart" they allege you to be would not have taken the time to listen. You had nothing to gain by doing so. You give freely of yourself time and time again. I am so very sorry for your loss ! I am so very sorry that it is people who have let you down again... Please don't let these people harden your heart. Respectfully Yours, Jane-anne A.

I'm wishing you all the strength in Heaven with this ridiculous onslaught. What you have had to bear is unconscionable and you do NOT deserve this treatment by anyone. Dear Renee, please, please do not leave this shelter, as without you and Todd it will falter immediately. The animals need you too desperately. I have had over 20 years experience with donating to shelters and rescues and NEVER, HAVE I EVER, SAW MORE DEDICATED PEOPLE. This is a personal attack with ulterior motives because someone else did something very wrong and won't accept responsibility, and assume if they attack you it will negate what they did, regardless of the truth. The work you do is consuming, as well as overwhelming and I am so ashamed to admit I would never have the strength, dedication or compassion to do the job that you and Todd do for even one week, let alone year after year. I look to you as a beacon of what I want to become as a caring and more humane person. (A note to Sandi - I met you at the shelter and thought you were a wonderful person - PROVE me right and drop the grudge and reach inside your heart for what you know is the real truth - apologize and let it go. You'll feel a lot better about yourself when you do the right thing.) Debbie D., Durham, Ontario

Dear Renee, Todd, staff and volunteers Owen Sound Animal Shelter, As I read the article in the Sun Times, my heart felt sick for all of you. The article was very disturbing and I am hoping people who have dealt with you and your staff over the years will keep in mind what kind of job you have done. You have taken in those who no one wanted, some who have been disposed of, tortured and left for dead. You provided personal care (sometimes all through the night), a loving touch, warmth, food, and for some probably the first time they had experienced it. Whether you open your doors to the animals in your own community or rescue animals from other areas really doesn’t matter. You are providing an open door for those who have nowhere else to go and have saved many from a sure death. Those animals who were deemed to have their days done, have been taken in by you and matched with a loving family within our community and enriched many people’s lives including my own.

I would suggest your readers pay attention to the words of Sylvia Moss. She is an animal advocate and has been for years…I know if she had even an inkling that any of these accusations could be true she would not come to your defense. Animals come first with her, mostly felines, but anyone who truly cares helps not hinders. I have to question, if these terrible things were to be true, how could they possibly stay even a day witnessing a thing. In my heart, if I was there, I would not have been able to let anything go from the first time I saw something that seemed cruel. Based on them staying, really makes me wonder where their sole is.

I read your blog everyday as many do. I see the good you do, the heartaches you encounter, and the patience you show. I had thought often of volunteering at the shelter, but I have told many people that I would become very disillusioned after seeing how so many animals are disposed of and treated badly. In turn I have provided food and donations to support your work. For those who bring the animals in for whatever reason, I commend them on stepping up and paying the fee – it shows they care. For some to complain about the fee, then be angry at the person who was irresponsible in not getting their cat or dog fixed, be angry at the person who dumped the kittens on your property, not the shelter.

I fully expected some backlash from the local vets – I believe you all have the well being of animals in your hearts but it was the shelter staff and you wonderful vet who made it possible for those who cannot afford all the extra costs to get their animals the rabies shots. You provided a service which I must say was better than some of the clinics held publicly which they wanted to shove my cat in a bag to give it the shot and I wouldn’t allow it a few years back. As far as sedation before euthanasia, I can tell you personally that I visited one of the local vet clinics which I am a client of, had to have my male cat put down for medical reasons and they did not sedate him. He struggled so much they missed is injection 3 times to a point I was frantic and tried to take my boy from them. Since then I now know to request sedation if an animal is to be euthanized but until that happened I did not know and it was the most horrific thing I ever witnessed. My point in this is that I do not know if you sedate the animals or not, but for the vets or anyone to raise that you don’t, I can say very clearly I went to the vet office - they did not offer to sedate nor did they sedate – so it happens there as well.

If one or all of you decided to throw in the towel, it would be the worst thing for the animals, the community of Owen Sound and for the future of the animals who are there and who may come. What you are all going through , and have been scrutinized for to this point is unbelievable!. You have people who do so much good, bring the community together , raise awareness, give advice…unfortunately the Sun Times has brought this out at a time when the Toronto Humane Society is under investigation which probably adds to the frenzy. There may be things that could be improved in the shelter as there are in every business, home etc. – no operation is perfect, but I believe if any organization is doing their utmost best I would have to give thanks to all of you. I hope the Sun Times, those that complained and the general public, will ask themselves “could I do their job everyday and keep trying to make a change” – 90% could not or would not want too – too much effort. If they think they will find any others that will do a better job, I think they are mistaken. They should look back at previous operators – it was well known how they handled the animals.

Thank God for all of you, and I wish you the best and the strength to get through this. Please know that you have brightened so many people’s days, brought companions together and reinforced there is still good in this world.  Take care. Leanne M.

Renee – defend yourself and charge them with slander! This is the most ridiculous article I have read thus far. Again, disgruntled x-employees have no weight, any intelligent person knows this. The article is in the wake of other charges pending another shelter. I can only guess that the reporter felt that Owen Sound was left out of the spot light and had to ‘adjust’ the interview to ride on the train of sensationalism. How sad. Your x-employees are not animal lovers. Let’s make that perfectly clear. In all the years that I too have been working in animal welfare, I have noticed many unbalanced, unpredictable sociopath that have a NEED to be heard but this need is very dangerous for those that are very involved in helping animals and changing laws. Feel sorry for them Renee – they are little insignificant people. Again, how sad. Now what also needs to be addressed is the professional side of animal health. Indeed I am talking about the veterinarians that are within your town. Of course they will be upset Renee. You are providing the public with a service that they monopolize. Not to mention that they prey on the very animals that owners cherish and love. I totally expected those comments. Pathetic. Euthanasia. Such a ‘bad’ word. What the public does not know is that even no kill shelters are obliged to euthanize. They must do so for humanitarian reasons, they do it to protect the public at times due to aggressive animals. It is YOUR responsibility to do this to ensure your population is safe. If you didn’t do this Renee, then you would be a fool. It is clear that your x-employees are highly uneducated even as to the methods of euthanasia. Again naïve people. So my dear – let me secure my position along side you. There are many groups and many influential people that gather around you. These pathetic and sad human beings have no idea how highly regarded you are. Hold your head high Renee. You are an amazing human being, a true animal lover and activist, and a fighter. Turn the other cheek, but don’t ever turn your back – there are vultures everywhere. Joy

Hi Renee. Just a quick note to add to the many others I am sure you have been receiving to let you know that good works and those who do them always come under fire, but the truth will prevail. Just hang in there until it does and know that you are not alone. Susan

I hope that you find strength in all the animals that you help and the people that know and understand the entire story. It may be hard to keep your head up but know that so many people are behind you and all those wonderful lives you have saved and will save, thank you. Stay strong. :) Jill

Renee, your faithful followers believe in you! The animals believe in you. There are always nay Sayers in every lot. Keep up the good fight girl, there are many more that need you than doubt you. Feel free to put my last name in the blog if you want…I’m proud to stand behind you (even from a distance)! Martha S.

Hi Todd and Renee, I just want you to know that I don't believe a word of what was said in the article in the sun times yesterday. As you know, I walked dogs on and off for several years and never saw one thing that made me question what went on. I always dropped in without any warning whatsoever and was always very impressed with the shelter itself and the way that it was run. I realize that with the numbers of animals that you are dealing with that there mast be times where horrible decisions must be made but I feel very confident that both of you would make the right ones. I hope this blows over very quickly and you can get back to concentrating on what is most important ..... caring for the animals that other are throwing away. What a difficult job!! I will be thinking of you both. Ericka H.

Renee, Todd and staff - keep strong, my 2 little ones and myself are behind you 100%. Ingrid Wiggins

Renee and Todd - hope you are both good and I believe in you ... kisses from 'Stinkerbell'. Suzanné Watson

I don't know if you remember me but I volunteered at the shelter for some time a while ago.  My mom brought home the article yesterday and I sat down to read it; It was so terrifying to read. T-61 directly into a cat's heart without sedation? Cats and dogs in the freezer?  It sounds like a whole lot of bullshit to me!  Today I read your blog post about the article and I want you guys to keep holding on, you made the shelter a good and safe place for animals. Please don't leave the shelter, the animals need you. This is all just small town gossip and stupid people trying to bring you down. In all the time I was the shelter I never got a bad feeling about anything. I usually know when something is wrong and there was definitely nothing wrong at the shelter. I remember Sandi and Candice and I just lost the respect I had for them, why would they say all that crap?

The Sun Times is just some idiotic little paper trying to come up with stories to get more people to read it. All these allegations are so ridiculously overblown. An elderly bulldog named Sumo -- living in a cage for years, with little exercise Seriously??? They make it sound so bad. If I remember correctly Sumo did not want to do any exercise! Sumo just kind of waddled around when you took her for a walk. All Sumo wanted was to go outside for 5 minutes and then go inside and get petted. Sumo was perfectly happy with her life at the shelter, it was way better than the one she had before.

I know you must be very angered, frustrated and saddened by this situation. Some people might side with The Sun Times but I know the truth: that you are good people who dedicate their life to the well being of the animals. Don't let this bring you down. All my thoughts and my love are with you. Danielle V.

PS. The dog my family adopted near the beginning of the summer, Chloe (formerly know as Scooter), is doing very well now. She has finally adapted now I think. It took her a while to get used to the schedule but she now does very well with it. She used to be over weight but now after long walks and some diet food she is wonderfully healthy and happy.

Please do not give up on the animals; they need all the caring people they can get.In the end good always wins over evil. Sincerely Maryann W.

Dear Renee, Todd, Staff and Volunteers, I am sorry to say that I don’t dedicate myself to your cause nearly as much as I wish I could as I have 3 dogs of my own. However I do read your blog every day and know that there is no possibility that these allegations made against you are true. I support you 100% in everything you do at the shelter. It is unfortunate that people don’t consider what went on at that shelter before you were there. Anyone that truly knows what you do day in and day out will know that what you do is for the love of the animals. It’s very unfortunate that people can’t love unconditionally the way animals do, if that were so we would never have situations such as this. Please keep up the work that you do. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to face these allegations, but those who know will support you and they know the truth. Keep your head high, look at the faces of those you save and know every day you are doing the right thing. All the best to you, head high, you deserve it! Janice C.

Renee and Todd, Nothing anyone says right now can make all this crap go away. I sincerely hope that you know you are so appreciated for all the help and kindness you and Todd have shown our community. When I needed help with the three mill girls you were there, absolutely no hesitation, no questions. You led the way with confidence, compassion and guidance. I at the time had no idea what we were in for but having your experience and compassion made it possible to save the three girls. Knowing what I do now I would feel much more equipped to go through that experience again. Having watched you bring back a kitten from being frozen to death with only warm water bottles, was an extremely moving experience.. Such true dedication.. Cathy

Hi Renee, I've been following the news and your blog and I just want you to know that you and Todd are in our prayers! You have our support. Love Leslie

"I get it.... thanks .... those on the outside don't always understand what's plain to those on the inside.." Diana M.