April 2002 ~ Most recent entries first.
Friday, April 12, 2002 - Boof's appointment went well...a lot better than I expected. Boof's only lost 2 pounds...the reason he's looking differently is because the Prednisone causes the muscles to deform and deteriorate some. Dr. Alison noticed that his head looked different...guess I haven't really noticed because I see him every day....I noticed it in his chest...he always had a big "he-man" type chest but it's smaller now. Anyway, he's on some antibiotics to help his poor dry, swollen nose...she doesn't know why it's like that. He's also lost pigment in his nose. As for the black gums, he's just gaining pigment there...it's not from the cancer...she said all of this could be side effects to the prednisone. Sooooo, basically, he's ok for now...she said he's done remarkably well and was quite impressed with what I've been feeding him...she said the care and love and what I'm doing for him is pretty special...most wouldn't do so much for a dog :-) She told me some signs to look out for that to know when it's "time"...if you know what I mean (I can't say it) :-(
Sunday, April 7, 2002 - More tears - Things are starting to look not so good. Mark & I have both noticed Boofy is deteriorating...and fast. Over the past week he's lost quite a bit of weight and I've noticed several large lymphs again in his neck area. His gums and one nostril are also starting to look "strange" (for lack of a better word)...that could be from the Prednisone, I'm unsure. Boofy's attitude is still great, but he's not quite himself. He had his morning wrestling match with me & Mark this morning, but he tires quickly. He's not been as enthusiastic over the past few days and has been sleeping a lot. Back to Dr. Hooper as soon as we can get in this week.