nutrition.gif (1772 bytes)Nutrition for Dogs with Cancer

I do not profess to be an expert, the information provided here is what I have discovered researching proper nutrition for my Boofy.  Please discuss proper nutrition and care with your trusted veterinarian.

Some information from Complementary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine by Dr. Gregory K. Ogilvie.

Dr. Ogilvie reports that tumors need glucose to live, which are simple sugars found in many carbohydrates. It gives energy to the tumor, and robs energy from the dog. Further, tests conducted proved that the dogs ability to metabolize carbohydrates is altered in dogs with cancer, unlike the dogs tested who did not have cancer. He recommends that dogs with cancer have a reduced amount of carbohydrates in their diet, and further states that the use of lactated Ringer's Solution can give tumors energy and food to grow. He reports it is best not to use these, unless medically indicated.

There is a competition between the dog and cancer for the amino acids found in proteins. Dr. Ogilvie states that it is a good idea to provide high quality proteins and amino acids to dogs with cancer. Tests have shown that some amino acids decrease toxicity in the dogs body. Two amino acids noted in particular are arginine (enhances the immune system) and glutamine (which aids in maintaining health of the gastrointestinal tract. Glutamine can also help with vomiting and diarrhea associated with chemotherapy.

Not only do dogs have metabolism differences with carbohydrates, but they also show abnormalities in lipid metabolism. These abnormalities contribute to immune suppression. Malignant cells cannot use lipids for energy, so Dr Ogilvie suggests adding much more fat to a dogs diet, and in particular, the essential fatty acid, omega 3. He not only states that omega 3 fatty acids will help a dog with energy, but can actually help stop tumor growth. Foods rich in omega 3 include flax seed oil, salmon and other cold water fishes. He does suggest to limit the amount of omega 6 fatty acids, as it has proven in his tests that these oils can cause cancer to grow faster. Those oils would include GLA's, or primrose oils, borage oil and black current oil.


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Vitamins and Minerals
The list of these that Dr. Ogilvie recommends are:
Vitamin A - to rebuild the immune system and remove toxins from the body
Vitamin B - to enhance appetite, well-being, to detox the liver and protect the nervous system
Vitamin C - Same as vitamin A
Vitamin E - Same as vitamins A and C
Pancreatic enzymes- it is reported these can help break down the outer lining of the cell wall of the cancer tumors, and aid in digestion



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Miscellaneous nutrients suggested are:
therapeutic enzymes, especially those containing L-asparaginase

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Boofy's Breakfast

paw_bullett.gif (874 bytes)2 Omega 3 eggs (scrambled or boiled), supplemented with powdered vitamin and a tablespoon of Udo's Choice Oil Blend (I'm taking that stuff daily myself!!!)

Boofy's Everyday Dinner (I make this in bulk and freeze in serving size baggies)

paw_bullett.gif (874 bytes)½ cup to 1 cup Meat of choice*
    *choose one: hamburger, ground pork (cook all the way through), ground chicken, ground                 turkey, or liver (I've been using a boiled liver/kidney combination)
paw_bullett.gif (874 bytes)½ cup steamed vegetables*
    *choose one or more of these: broccoli, celery, cabbage (red and green), bok choy,                 collards, turnip greens, spinach, summer squash, chinese cabbage
paw_bullett.gif (874 bytes)1 capsule salmon oil (broke open into food)
paw_bullett.gif (874 bytes)½ clove garlic
paw_bullett.gif (874 bytes)1 tsp. soya protein isolate

Liver Treats (he loves these but I gag while it's baking...YUCK, I hate liver!)

paw_bullett.gif (874 bytes)1 pound liver (beef or chicken liver)
paw_bullett.gif (874 bytes)1 ½ soya flour
paw_bullett.gif (874 bytes)2 eggs
paw_bullett.gif (874 bytes)½ tsp. garlic powder

Combine all wet ingredients first in a food processor, then the rest of the ingredients.  Blend until uniform in colour.  Pour into baking pan and bake at 400º until it pulls from the sides or a knife comes out clean.  Cut into bite-size pieces.  Store in refrigerator.

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What's Really in Commercial Pet Food?  What you read might scare you!!!

WHAT IS A BY-PRODUCT? Even on premium brands such as Science Diet and Iams, you will notice the first ingredient listed is "by-products".  By-products may include muscle meat, but more often comprise intestines, feet, hooves, beaks, and other waste organs, spoiled meat, and road kill.

THE 4 D's: When a manufacturer claims to use meat as an ingredient, this is not usually a grade of meat fit for human consumption.  If it were, the cost of pet food would be prohibitively high.  Pet food meat may be from animals that are disabled, diseased, dying, or already dead before reaching the slaughterhouse: the "4 D's".  It may include cancerous tissue or fetal tissue (which is very high in hormones).  It may even be meat from dogs and cats that have been euthanized at animal shelters, as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle and confirmed by the American Veterinary Medical Association, though vehemently denied by pet food manufacturers.

Animal Protection Institute - What's Really in Pet Food

Understanding Pet Food Labels

Pet Food 101 - Commonly Used Ingredient Terms & Definitions

Those Dirty Dogs, An Expose - this will totally disgust you!!!

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Boofy's Battle with Canine Lymphoma