Boofy LOVES Reiki!!!! He will curl up on the couch beside me and let me Reiki him for hours!!! I've been giving him Reiki every chance I get and we both fall asleep every night with me giving him Reiki. Friends who are Reiki practitioners have also been sending distance heeling...I know it's helping him.
Saturday, February 9, 2002 - After talking to my good friend who is a Reiki Master, we decided to attune Boofy to Level I Reiki. She's going to do the attunement on Sunday, February 10. Stay tuned for the story...should be interesting!!! He's a pretty hyper beagle and I have no idea how he's going to react to this or if we'll be able to make him sit still for more than 30 seconds!!! *smiles* I've even asked her to make up a certificate for him like when a person is attuned to Reiki...I will proudly display it on the wall next to my Level I and Level II certificates. *smile*
I've sent an email to every Reiki practitioner I know and some very special friends, requesting they send Reiki and prayers to Boof tonight and/or tomorrow around noon, focusing on his attunement. Everyone's response has been incredible...thank you to all. In light and love, Shari.
Stayed tuned for his attunement Sunday, February 10, 2002!!!!!
February 10, 2002 - The Attunement - the following is written by my good friend and Boofy's attuning Reiki Master, Cheryl Murray. I thought it would be good to hear the experience from her point of view. Thank you so much Cheryl. In light and love, Shari.
"When Shari asked me what my
thoughts were on attuning animals, Boofy in particular, my instant response was "
makes sense to me", attuning an animal to Reiki, especially one in a health crisis
could be beneficial for him. It wasn't that he might be able to give Reiki to others, but
he would become a clearer channel for the energy to flow through him for his own healing
process. And as Shari said, it couldn't hurt. Because Boofy's illness is severe, we
thought it best do the attunement as soon as possible. We set it up for the next day, a
Sunday morning. As soon as the decision was made to do the attunement, I could feel the
alignment beginning, just as it does with humans- any of you Reiki Master's out there know
what I mean- the Energy just grabs you, and directs every bit of you to the moment of
attunement. It was no less in intensity just because this was a dog being attuned. This
was a positive signal to me, Boofy was meant for this to happen. Shari sent out the
message to all Reiki practitioners and friends to send Reiki/Prayer to him at noon the
next day. Now any of you out there, if you don't know Boof, he is a happy tail
wagging kind of dog- very energetic- and he hates having his paws held. I knew there might
be challenges doing this, as one is required to sit "still" during the
Attunement and holding ones paws is in there as well. How would I get around having
to hold Boofy's paws, it occurred to me that dogs in particular use their nose and tongues
to make contact with others not their paws- it would be their nose chakra not their paws
that I would use in the attunement. I'm of the persuasion that this is a major chakra on a
When I arrived late Sunday morning it was evident Boof knew something was up, no doubt he
could feel that something significant was going to happen to "him" and he
greeted me with his normal enthusiasm but shied away from me unlike other visits where he
just wanted me to give him Reiki constantly. For the first time he was a little shy about
staying too close to me. At first when I began opening the conduit for the Energy to flow
through, he instantly moved away. We tried several times each time the same response, but
eventually he settled. With gentle persuasion, the Boof, who very much loves and
trusts his "mommy" Shari, obliged to sit reasonably calmly through the whole
process. There are four separate Attunements to a Level I, each one only taking a few
moments...we allowed Boof a rest in between each. On the third attunement, we were sitting
on the couch, Boof sat between us chewing on his soup bone contentedly while I
began...his gnawing increased with intensity during the attunement, and at the last
movement, he sat straight up and there was total acceptance. Shari had tears in her eyes,
there is no doubt in my mind that Boof had been aligned to that Healing Life Force. I
looked up at the clock, it was noon, the time everyone had been asked to send Reiki. The
fourth attunement went equally well. And afterward when I spun the Singing Crystal Bowl,
Boof sat on the couch and cocked his head in amazement..all three cats stopped and looked
with curiosity as well. We celebrated with liver treats and blueberry Danishes. :-)
Thank you Boofy and Shari for inviting me to share in this wonderful experience."
Boofy's certificate is proudly displayed on the living room wall next to mine. *smile*
![]() Boofy & Cheryl Click for Larger Version |
![]() Boofy & Cheryl Click for Larger Version |